Designing a Value Proposition to Attract New Donors

Nonprofits have a significant marketing challenge since all of their value is intangible. So it’s very important for their marketing strategies to be built on an effective value proposition.

But many nonprofits are still relying on "best practices" for fundraising rather than keeping up with an evolving marketplace. 

Austin McCraw, Senior Director of Partnerships, MECLABS Institute, was a keynote speaker at the 2017 Nonprofit Innovation & Optimization (NIO) Summit. He talked about value proposition — the foundational concept that all other marketing strategies and ideas stand on. 

You might be thinking that you already have your VP in place. Well, McCraw says that a value proposition is not a vision, not a mission statement, a cause, a slogan or a business model, but rather, a reason in the mind of the customer to choose you.

Watch the video to learn how to design a value proposition that attracts customers — or, in this case, donors. 


We need to stop trying to get our value propositions into our campaigns: we must get them into the minds of our potential donors. — Austin McCraw

In the video, you can learn:

  • The top reason potential donors don't pay attention to an appeal to give 
  • 4 conclusions to foster in the mind of the customer concerning the value of your offer/appeal
  • What motivates people to give
  • How to increase the credibility of your value proposition

After you watch, go here to get:

  • 5 case studies
  • A 22-page PDF including an in-depth look at three of 10 MECLABS conversion heuristics
  • Tactical tools and detailed examples to optimize your campaigns
  • Value proposition heuristic and clarifier
  • Exchange sum fulcrum to help you balance perceived cost and perceived value of every offer and exchange you're providing your customer


Related Resources


What 15,000 Commercial Experiments Reveal about Why People are Chosen

Watch a video replay of Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS Institute, at Harvard University discussing why people are chosen by employers, schools, voters and even lovers.

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  Austin McCraw NIO Summit 2017

Designing a Value Proposition to Attract New Donors

Austin McCraw, Senior Director of Partnerships, MECLABS Institute, was a keynote speaker at the 2017 Nonprofit Innovation & Optimization (NIO) Summit. 

Watch Now